In order to promote the Portuguese heritage of the traditional blue and white ceramic tiles, the Estremoz town hall is launching a new cultural route called the Tile or ‘Azulejo’ route, through which it aims to promote knowledge and awareness of the tile, but also as a fun thing for both residents and visitors to the town to enjoy.

The new Route of the Azulejo will be made up of two walking circuits of around 90 minutes each:

  • One visits Estremoz’s churches and convents that feature azulejos
  • The other is designed to discover the various tile façades in the town

Azulejo tiles EstremozThe tours are free of charge but with a minimum number of 10 to 30 people in each visit. These can be pre-booked – see contacts below – and are subject to there being a guide available. Both routes finish with a wine tasting at the Museu Berardo tile museum.

The municipality has been supported in setting up the tile routes with a wide range of partners including Cavalry Regiment Nº3, religious orders, the science centre, the recreation society and Bacalhôa wines.

The inaugural Route of the Azulejo takes place tomorrow on 18th May at 13:30h and more information including maps are available on the town hall’s website (links below).

Shout out to all our friends in Estremoz: If anyone would like to go on one or both of the routes, let us know and we can get a group together at a convenient time.


Download azulejos churches and convents route

Download azulejos façades route


For booking a tour or more information:
Tel: +351 268 080 281

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