


Whether you believe in taking the Covid jab or not is one thing, but if you do decide to go ahead, in Estremoz it is a pretty simple procedure to follow.

How to get an appointment for your covid jab

If you are already registered with the national health system in Portugal and have your Numero Utente, then you should receive a call from the health authority when your age bracket for vaccination is reached.

Some takeaway meals to try during lockdown in Estremoz. Having only arrived to live in Estremoz full time in September 2020, we have found ourselves going in and out of lockdown ever since—and for the past couple of months this has meant the town’s restaurants are only allowed to sell food for takeaway.

Some, sadly decided to close this time round but others kept going, making use of social media to let us know they were up and running—and more importantly, what was on the menu for that day.

Here are a couple that we tried out:

Growing your own veg in Estremoz can be hard work – the worst bit being weeding! We’ve found that the weeds in the Alentejo are relentless and grow at an astounding pace with the first sign of rain.

You can buy most fruit and veg at the Saturday produce market in Estremoz at really good prices – so it seems a lot of work to prepare the soil, plant the veg, water, weed etc. but on the other hand as my neighbour says: water and sunshine are free.